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History Of Votualevu High School



After surmounting all the problems imposed by Ministry of Education and the mataqalis - native land owners of Saunaka Village in obtaining the permission to begin a Junior Secondary School and uplifting the injunction through court, the pioneers of the school, elected representatives of Votualevu Public School community some of whom notably amongst them Messers Shew Prasad MBE, Tara Singh Dhesi, Ram Karan Somai, Jai Karan Safri and few others, the dream to provide secondary education within the village was realised in 1977.


Form 1 started in 1977 under the guidance of Mr Vijay Nand Maharaj and Form 2 in 1978. Mr Balram Kamoda took control in 1979 as Principal. With construction of facilities at present site in 1978 classrooms, laboratory, home science room, staff room, principal’s office, administration office and conveniences for boys and girls, the school bean to offer Forms 1 to 3 education in 1979 and Form 4 in 1980. In 1980 Junior Secondary School was upgraded to High School and it still provides Forms 1-6 education to children of Votualevu of all races.


The problems of funding of funding for purchasing of land, building construction and equipping school with sufficient facilities for education needs were not easy tasks. Raising funds – going from house to house in evenings, getting signed Assignment Forms from sugarcane farmers as well as raising more than $30,000 in cash on the strength of post dated school cheque and extension of credit facilities by our bankers – Messers Westpac realised the dreams of the Management Board Members, who are still living amongst us – Messers Shew Prasad, MBE, Tara Singh Dhesi, Ram Karan Somai, Shiu Sharan Sharma, Vidya Rattan Datai, Jai Karan Safri, Ram Prasad Baij Nath and those who are no longer with us – Messers Budh Nanakh, Ram Sewak Nand Ram, Baij Nath Shri Charan, Shiu Shanker Dhanai, Shiu Sharan Sadhu, Deo Dutt Hari Prasad, Ram Nand Boss and Kanchan Gir Gosai, may God give all the people a long and happy life and the departed souls, the everlasting peace for the untiring work in the difficult days of school’s infancy.


The school saw the closure of its gate in Sept. 1995 by mataqalis – native land owning unit of Saunaka Village for a day. With the help of Lands Department, Nadi Police and Native Land Trust Board, the disputed matter was amicably resolved. The school now enjoys a long term lease of 75 years from 1995 with rental of $600.00 per annum with subject of rental revision every five years.


Over the years the school has been stabilizing on its assets and capital works. Now we have covered walk-ways linking all buildings including most modern conveniences/wash rooms.


Plans are underway for sports pavilion with seating as well as a room for Physical Education, Music, Art and Craft (PEMAC), Carpentry/Joinery, Building and upgraded Bus shelter, if resources at our disposal are able to meet it in couple of years time. Besides offering academic subjects the school is geared for Home-craft and Nutrition, Typewriting, Computer Studies, Agricultural Science and Automotive Engineering.


Amongst the present Management Board Members Board members of the school the people who have given their untiring service to the school without any renumeration are:

Mr. Tara Singh Dhesi                           President               1977                       to 28-05-1983

                                                                Manager                29-05-1983           to 20-05-1995

                                                                President               1996                       to  <date??>


Mr. Rajendra Nath Bharos                  Secretary               05-04-1981           to 22-07-1991

                                                                Secretary               25-08-1993           to 20-05-1995

                                                                Manager                21-05-1995           to  <date??>


Mr. Shiu Sharan Sharma                     Secretary               1977                       to 04/04/1981

                                                                Secretary               23/07/1991          to 24/08/1993

                                                                Board Member     19-06-94               to  <date???>


There are others who have equally served the institution for about the same length of time but are not on the present Board because of illnesses or some other reasons. Amongst them are Messers Shew Prasad MBE, Jai Karan Safri, Ram Karan Somai and Sheeshu Chandra. May God’s blessings be upon them so that they enjoy a good health for a long time to come.



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